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Rate & Fee Schedule


Cloverdale Sanitary District

Rate and Fee Schedule

Ordinance 24-01

The following rate part of Exhibit A shall be billed monthly, unless stated herein otherwise.  The fee part of Exhibit A shall be due when the particular service or event covered by the fee is rendered or occurs.  No fee will be discontinued unless and until the property is deemed uninhabitable by the County, State, or Board of Directors.

A.    Monthly Sewer Service Charge Rates.

(1)  For permanent dwelling units, including residences, trailer, or apartments:     $ 75.00

(2)  For small business establishments and offices with one restroom:     $ 80.00

(3)  Restaurants:     $ 198.00

(4)  For medium to large business establishments and offices with one or more

      restrooms with ten (10) or less employees and management personnel:     $ 130.00

(5)  For churches, veteran and fraternal organizations:             $ 132.00

(6)  Schools:

       A rate agreed to by the District and governing authority

      of the school in a written contract:          $6,170.00

B.   Other Sewer Service Charges/Fees.

(1)  Administrative fee:          $25.00

(2) Transfer of Ownership Fee:          $20.00

(3)  Returned Check Fee:          $25.00

(4)  Capital Improvement Fee:          $5.00

       Billed Monthly, per customer, per connection

 (5)  Late Fee –          10% p/m

        The District, should it so state on the bill               

        mailed or delivered to the Customer, may charge interest

        at a rate of TEN (10%) percent per month, compounded

        monthly, on all accounts that are not paid in full by the

        20th day of the month immediately following the previous

        sewer usage period.


(6)  Others: Such rates as shall be determined by written

        contract with the property owner, or by ordinance.